Our work. Susan has worked as an Executive and Board Director in the Not-For-Profit Sector, as Director of Residential Experience at the Australian National University, in Senior Social Policy roles in ACT and Commonwealth Governments and as a social worker in health and community services.

Our work. Susan has worked as an Executive and Board Director in the Not-For-Profit Sector, as Director of Residential Experience at the Australian National University, in Senior Social Policy roles in ACT and Commonwealth Governments and as a social worker in health and community services.

Susan has led transformation in different contexts by:

  • Designing and implementing service reform at operational and policy levels
  • Putting issues onto the public policy agenda, contributing a social justice perspective to public debate, engaging stakeholders from consumer, carer, community and business
    sectors to agree and articulate reform priorities and motivating decision-makers to take on new ideas
  • Building and contributing to strategic alliances and maintaining productive relationships through difficult conversations and reform processes
  • Initiating and managing research and data analysis projects to build the evidence base to inform priorities for reform and guide strategic investment
  • Managing restructures of both governance and operational arrangements in non-government organisations to ensure decision-making and resource allocation are aligned with the organisation’s strategic objectives

Susan has led high performing teams by:

  • Building and strengthening diversity
  • Sustaining staff engagement and wellbeing in disruptive and difficult circumstances
  • Ensuring teams have the capability and resources to be both relevant and effective in a constantly changing operating environment

Recent Consulting roles

  • Facilitation of Board workshops to review strategy and develop future plans – ACT Peak Bodies, National Peak Bodies, ACT-based Community Service NGOs
  • Executive Mentoring – to CEOs and Senior Executives
  • Community-based Co-Lead for the start-up phase of the ACT Sector Sustainability Program
  • Co-production of advocacy strategies in collaboration with Boards, Members and Staff in NGOs

Service design and development work

2023 – facilitated a multi-agency review of a housing support service and provided advice on the future development of an intake and referral service that enabled organisations to more effectively deliver on their social purpose

2022 – worked with a social enterprise to develop strategy and content to expand their consultancy services to build their revenue streams and broaden their social impact

2020 – reviewed the Model of Care for delivery of pastoral care services in student residences, through a partnership with student leaders, student support services on campus and senior executives.

2020 – 2021 – development and implementation of this new fit for purpose model of care that guided peer-led and professional services across prevention, early intervention, crisis response, recovery and relapse prevention. The new model reduced critical incidents and increased reporting of adverse incidents so staff could prevent further harm and address causes of adversity.

Partnerships with Researchers

Susan has valued working in partnership with researchers to inform policy development and service design. This work has been driven by her desire to enable the expertise of researchers and the wisdom of practitioners to be brought together to improve social outcomes.

2023-2024 Guest presenter in Graduate Certificate Programs (University of Canberra)

2020 Developed “Better Cohesive” student leadership development program with Prof Kate Reynolds (Australian National University Professor of Social Psychology) to build knowledge and capability of peer leaders in on campus residences to build social cohesion and support positive group norm setting in their residential community. This program contributed to improved clarity of peer roles and improved capability of student leaders to fulfil these roles.

2017 led a partnership between the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (University of Canberra) and a consortium of community organisations on research into hidden poverty and deprivation in the ACT. (view)

2015-16 Worked with the Social Policy Research Centre (University of NSW) on research regarding the community sector in the ACT, to build the evidence base for sector development. This research contributed to development of the ACT Community Services industry Strategy. (view)

2009 Led partnership between UnitingCare Australia and the Social Policy Research Centre (University of NSW) to identify how social policy reforms can be best aligned to support positive outcomes for children, young people and families. (view)

Policy submissions

Susan has held senior social policy roles in ACT and Commonwealth governments. She has written policy submissions as a non-government sector advocate to inform Parliamentary enquiries, legislation and policy reforms. She has successfully influenced public policy agendas and strengthened policy and program implementation. She has also represented community perspectives on Advisory Bodies to Government and the Energy sector.


2023 City Renewal Authority: Primer Paper to inform Board consideration of Social Vibrancy and Sustainability

2017 Future of Education: Submission 2 Excellence and Equity (view).

2017 Submission on Priorities for the ACT Electricity Network: ActewAGL Distribution Electricity Network Five Year Plan 2019-2024 Discussion Paper (view).

2015 Submission on the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building Policy Framework (view).

2013 Submission on Letters of Offer to Non-Government Providers of Housing and Homelessness Support Services (view).

Aged-care Submissions (view).

Disability Support Submissions (view).